Snacks That Slap!
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Choose Your Box Below:
Please note that our monthly subscription service is handled by PayPal – however, you do need a PayPal account to sign up. When you select your monthly plan, you will be directed to a PayPal page to enter your payment information.
Small Exotic Snack Box
Contains 10-15 Pieces in Each Box
Medium Exotic Snack Box
Contains 15-20 PiecesĀ in Each Box
Large Exotic Snack Box
Contains 20-25 PiecesĀ in Each Box
Each Snack Daddy Box is packed with care and lots of flavor to ensure the you receive only the best treats. Our snack boxes feature 10-25 counts of sweets and salty snacks. The Snack Daddy Box is filled with an assortment of high quality snacks with top quality brands – some you may know, some you never heard about! The Snack Daddy box has something for everyone and is perfect for any age.
The Snack Daddy Box also makes the perfect gift choice for anyone you might be struggling to find what to get. They will get a sampling of exotic snacks with a variety of flavors, and love your thoughtfulness.
